A Brief History of the ECOS Conferences
A Brief History of the ECOS Conferences
ECOS is the name of a series of international conferences that focus on modern aspects of Thermal Sciences with particular emphasis on Thermodynamics and its applications in energy conversion systems and processes. The idea for the ECOS series of conferences originated at the meeting of the Systems Analysis Technical Committee (SATC) of the Advanced Energy Systems Division (AESD) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) during the 1985 ASME Winter Annual Meeting (WAM), in Miami Beach, Florida, under the leadership of Prof. Richard Gaggioli. At the meeting it was decide to:
(a) organize an annual Symposium on the Analysis and Design of Thermal Systems at each ASME WAM, and (b) try to involve more scientists and engineers from outside the United States by organizing conferences in other countries, except the United States.
Indeed, a Symposium of 8-15 sessions has been organized by the SATC every year since 1985 at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting and its successor, the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. The first overseas conference took place in Rome, in 1987, with the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation. The name ECOS was used for the first time in Zaragoza, in 1992. It is the acronym for Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation of energy conversion systems and processes, keywords that best describe the contents of the presentations and discussions taking place in these conferences. It is worth noting that “ecos” means “home” in the Greek language and it is used here with two meanings:
(i) the earth as our home we need to protect, and
(ii) the conference as a home for a fruitful exchange of our ideas.
On August, 2021, the ECOS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY, INCORPORATED was created and officially registered. Main goals of the ECOS Society are following:
The complete list of all international conferences held to date, including the names of the chairpersons and co-chairpersons, is as follows:
Brian Elmegaard, Enrico Sciubba,
Ana María Blanco-Marigorta
Enrico Sciubba,Yoshiharu Amano, Brian Elmegaard
Ryohei Yokoyama, Yoshiharu Amano
Honorary Chairmen: Noam Lior, Koichi Ito
Wojciech Stanek, Zbigniew Gnutek, Sławomir Pietrowicz
Honorary Chairmen: Andrzej Ziȩbik, Zygmunt Kolenda
José Carlos Teixeira, Senhorinha Teixeira
Honorary Chairmen: Daniel Favrat, Silvia Nebra
Chairmen: Asfaw Beyene, David MacPhee, Abel Hernandez-Guerrero
Alojz Poredoš , Tatiana Morosuk, Andrej Kitanovski
Honorary Chairmen: George Tsatsaronis, Noam Lior
Jean-Pierre Bédécarrats, Michel Feidt, Pascal Stouffs, George Tsatsaronis, Antonio Valero
Honorary Chairmen: Özer Arnas
Ron Zevenhoven, Henrik Saxén, Frank Pettersson , Özer Arnas
Jianzhong Xu, Hongguang Jin
Umberto Desideri, Giampaolo Manfrida, Enrico Sciubba
Coordinator: Gordana Stefanović
Milorad Bojić, Noam Lior, Jovan Petrović, Vladimir Stevanović
Daniel Favrat, François Maréchal
Silvia Azucena Nebra, Silvio de Oliveira Júnior, Edson Bazzo, Arnaldo da Silva Walter
Andrzej Ziȩbik, Zygmunt Kolenda, Wojciech Stanek
A. Mirandola, Ö. Arnas
C.A. Frangopoulos, C. Rakopoulos, G. Tsatsaronis
Honorary Chairmen: E.P. Gyftopoulos, G. Hatsopoulos
Organizing Committee: S. Kjelstrup (Chairman)
Scientific Council: J.E. Hustad (Chairman)
Organizing Committee: R. Rivero (Chairman)
G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran
Organizing Committee: B. Qvale (Chairman)
Scientific Committee: N. Houbak, M.J. Moran
G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran
Honorary Chairman: K.F. Knoche
A. Öztürk, A. Bejan, M. Feidt, Y.A. Gögüş
Honorary Chairman: E.P. Gyftopoulos
G.G. Hirs, G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran
Honorary Chairman: J. Szargut
M. Ishida, G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran, H. Kataoka
1999, June 8-10M. Feidt, A. Bejan, M.J. Moran, G. Tsatsaronis
Honorary Chairmen: E.P. Gyftopoulos, P. Le Goff
Scientific Committee: Ruixian Cai, M.J.Moran,
G. Tsatsaronis
Organizing Committee: Jingyi Chen, E. Sciubba
G. Svedberg, G. Manfrida, M.J.Moran, G. Tsatsaronis
1996, June 25-27Y.A. Gögüş, A. Öztürk, G. Tsatsaronis
1995, July 11-14E. Carnevale, G. Manfrida, F. Martelli
1994, July 6-8J. Szargut, G. Tsatsaronis, Z. Kolenda, A. Ziȩbik
1993, July 5-9A. Valero, G. Tsatsaronis
1992, June 15-18Executive Committee: D.A. Kouremenos, R.A. Gaggioli, M.J. Moran
Organizing Committee: G. Tsatsaronis, C.D. Rakopoulos
S.S. Stecco, M.J. Moran
1990, May 28-June 1Organizing Committee: C.H. Wu, R.A. Gaggioli
Executive Committee: Ruixian Cai, M.J. Moran
Organizing Committee: R. Melli, E. Sciubba
Executive Committee: R.A. Gaggioli, M.J. Moran, E.Sciubba
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