2040 Gran Canaria: 100% renewable island

Julieta Schallenberg

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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2040 Gran Canaria: 100% renewable island

The Government of the Canary Islands has set the target of full decarbonization for the year 2040. In this line, a 100% renewable scenario is proposed for island of Gran Canaria. 

 This objective, on the island of Gran Canaria, means increasing the contribution of intermittent renewable energies, such as wind energy (onshore and offshore) and photovoltaic solar energy. These high contributions of non-dispatchable renewable energy sources in the island grid represent a challenge in the electricity management as well as raises the need for storage systems.  


Additionally, a progressive growth in the electrification of sectors traditionally covered directly by fossil fuels is foreseen, such as electrical vehicles, cold ironing or a higher implementation of electric thermal systems (heat pumps), which will mean a great transformation of the Canary Islands electricity system and a significant increase in the electricity demand. 

In order to respond to this challenge of decarbonization in island systems, a proposal has to be developed that allows the combination of the growth of the electricity demand and the integration of intermittent renewable energies in the electricity system, with energy storage as the fundamental axis of the implementation of clean energies, thus allowing a greater penetration of renewable sources. 

This research seeks to optimize the mix of renewable energies and storage systems, short term and seasonal, to enable the energy transition to a decarbonized system by 2040. 


Monday 26th

Thermodynamics of sustainability, an introduction to natural resource valuation

Antonio Valero Capilla & Alicia Valero Delgado

CIRCE Institute, University of Zaragoza, Spain.

Topic O. Energy, materials, waste and water: Resources and footprints

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Thermodynamics of sustainability, an introduction to natural resource valuation.

Ecological economists metaphorically allude to entropy to explain how humans are destroying natural resources of low entropy to convert them into waste of very high entropy.  However, valuing natural resources in terms of [Energy/temperature] is hardly explanatory. Thermodynamicists, for their part, proposed the concept of exergy, but applied and developed it in the field of industrial energy systems.

Our hypothesis is that the exergy valuation of natural resources opens the way for Ecological Economics to bring Economics and Physics closer and connected. There are several reasons for this. The most important one is that by measuring resources and waste in exergies (in kWh, for example) it is possible to quantify the entropic generation, Sg, of any process, since the exergy loss or irreversibility is equal to the product T0Sg. But in exchange for what we have gained in interpretation, it is now necessary to define a dead state that really acts as an "attractor" at T0 , of the resources brought into play. If we are talking about natural resources, we will have to define a dead state referring to nature. Therefore, we define Thanatia as a possible state of planet Earth in which mineral deposits have been depleted and discarded materials become dispersed throughout the crust. In addition, all fossil fuels have been converted into CO2 and water, creating extreme climate change and a consequent high pollution of the planetary fresh waters.

The Thanatia theory allows to value the "abiotic" resources of the Planet, in terms of exergy content and their estimated exergy cost (rarity).

Lately, the theory has been extended to fertile soils in which it is also necessary to define an optimum soil consisting of an optimum of inorganic, organic and biological nutrients, which we call Pristinia.  In such a way that all real fertile soil will be between Pristinia and Thanatia, and in which the different causes of degradation in any type of soil can be evaluated in kWh.

On the other hand, waste is harmful as long as it has uncontrolled exergy. It is therefore important to assess their impact on nature and to try to recover them using physical cost/benefit analyses.

In general, the thermodynamics of sustainability has the potential to evaluate the cost and impact on the natural environment in terms of entropy generated/exergy destroyed, which we call irreversibility. Ultimately, the rate of destruction of natural resources and the impact of waste caused by our civilization could be evaluated in kWh, beyond money as a unit of measurement.

Clear paths to teach exergy

Daniel Favrat

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (energy center), Lausanne, Switzerland.

Topic B. Exergy-based analysis: Applications and teaching in academia.

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Clear paths to teach exergy 

This paper proposes a clear path to the exergy balance by subtracting the second Law balance (multiplied by Ta) to the first Law that let appear all the exergy terms. In each exergy terms it is shown that it is essential to clearly distinguish the process-dependent entities from the state functions and how the latter can be visualized in parametric representations including 3D. An opportunity is shown to superpose the various dead states (thermo-mechanical or physicochemical equilibrium). The typical First Law indicators (Effectiveness, coefficient of performance) are compared with the corresponding exergy efficiency for integrated processes including house heating with cogeneration and heat pumps or the valorization of LNG evaporation. From this strong basis the development of both First Law and Exergy efficiencies is shown for a variety of systems providing different energy services in the whole range of temperatures. A much greater coherence of the exergy approach for modern systems including co-or tri-generation is highlighted. The power of the notion of exergy efficiency is further illustrated by comparing various heating or air-conditioning energy systems in urban areas with the possibility to multiply the exergy efficiency of the subsystems to get a coherent ranking of the active technology options. Ultimately, we briefly show how one specific emerging platform (nolej) based on AI could simplify the work of teachers in thermodynamics in general.

Production and use of green hydrogen in the industrial sector


University of Padova, Italy<BR>

Topic G. Fuels, combustion & gasification. Fuel cells. Hydrogen use in energy systems.

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Production and use of green hydrogen in the industrial sector

In the future energy scenario that emerges between now and 2050, hydrogen will acquire an increasingly central role. Hydrogen is extremely versatile, and conventionally its role is that of an energy vector, but this definition is reductive: it can act as a fuel, as an accumulation system, or as a raw material. Its fields of application are many: from the energy sector to transport and industry. There are numerous methods for obtaining hydrogen, supported in recent years by growing investments, and these vary according to the raw material and energy source used. The focus will be given to the industrial sector.

Biomimicry, the case of morphing blades

Asfaw Beyene

San Diego State University, CA, USA Topic D. Computational Thermo-Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
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Biomimicry, the case of morphing blades

Biomimicry is the adoption and application of innately existing nature-inspired concepts, proven by centuries of evolutionary processes, as a model or an idea to solve modern engineering problems.  Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was a keen observer of flying birds and made numerous sketches on the possibility of creating flying machines.  The Wright brothers succeeded in flying the first aircraft in 1903 after deriving inspiration from observing the flight of pigeons. The aerodynamics of Japanese high speed train Shinkansen 500 Series were modelled after the beak of Kingfisher bird. The literature is abundant of designs of successful biomimicry with amazing outcomes that disrupted existing design solutions. In this paper, we summarize some of the exceedingly promising technologies in biomimicry as applied to wind energy conversion and present our CFD as well as experimental results of flexible wind turbine blades, whereby we derive the flexibility from the flight of birds and locomotion of fish.  The bioinspired blade exceeded the efficiency of the rigid blade by more than 9% at part-load.  Actual values depend on the tip-speed-ratio and angle of attack, and blade flexibility.

Special session on Energy-water nexus, desalination, waste water treatment

Noam Lior

Penn Engineering – University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA

Desalination: status and sustainability.

Tuesday 27th

Dimensionless Property Relations - Important Practical and Theoretical Prospects

Richard A. Gaggioli

Marquette University, Millwauke, WI, USA

Topic A. Basic and applied thermodynamics.

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Dimensionless Property Relations - Important Practical and Theoretical Prospects

It is shown that, by using dimensionless variables for representation of relationships among thermodynamic properties, the functional relations can be simplified and made more concise.  Consider, for example, states that can be reached one from the other by changing the volume and/or entropy – that is, states where u = u(s,v), and the classical equation du = T ds – p dv is applicable.  With appropriate definitions of dimensionless internal energy i , entropy σ, and volume γ: di = τ dσ – π dγ and i = i(σ,γ).  It will be claimed that this innovation will have vast relevance. 

One significant effect is that in the case of exergy, the dimensionless property relations become independent of the ‘dead state’ properties – such as T0, p0, μi0.  That is to say, for example, when i = i(σ,γ) then dimensionless exergy x satisfies dx = ϑ dσ – φ dγ  and x = x(σ,γ). 

This opens the door to employing exergy balances in lieu of energy balances in the mathematical modeling of processes.  Examples are presented in a companion paper, “An Assertive Statement of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics – Updated”. 

An Assertive Statement of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - Updated

This presentation will summarize and update an approach to Thermodynamics that invokes a statement of the 2nd Law proposed at ECOS2017 and published in Reference 1.  The key point of that 2nd Law statement is this: Exergy is the ‘driving force’ that impels all processes – the ‘driving force’ of the kinetics.  In turn, using 3 examples that modeled processes – simple ones – Reference 1 presented evidence supporting the asserted statement.  The evidence consisted of (a) showing the consistency of results with traditional models and (b) that a single kinetic relation provided by the 2nd Law sufficed when more than one is required in the traditional models.  (Indeed, the examples support the common contention, held by many, that the traditional kinetic relations follow from the fact that exergy is annihilated by kinetic processes.)

Importantly, this paper goes a step further.  It will be shown herein, with two or more examples, that the processes can be modeled without invoking energy balances among the governing equations – i.e. without invoking the ‘The 1st Law of Thermodynamics’.  The key is the use of property relations for exergy, presented in the companion presentation entitled “Dimensionless Property Relations.”

(On the basis of teaching experience, the author contends that the approach to Thermodynamics presented in Reference 2 makes the subject more easily understood, less ‘mysterious’.  Having said that, it is suggested that Thermodynamics could be made significantly less ‘strange’ – more in accord with common sense – by debunking the conclusions that were drawn from Joule’s experiments.  And it could be hoped that the subject will become more fruitful, for humanity).

1 Energy 157 (2018) 503-515

2 Energy 35 (2010) 1047–1056

Vinasse: ethanol production residue or co-product?

Silvia Azucena Nebra

Universidade Federal do ABC, Brasil

Topic G. Fuels, combustion & gasification. Fuel cells. Hydrogen use in energy systems.

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Vinasse: ethanol production residue or co-product?

The vinasse, produced as the bottom product of the distillation column of the ethanol production process, is the main liquid residue of this industry, whose disposition represents a problem for the industry because of its high production rate, which ranges from 10 to 15 litres of vinasse per litre of ethanol produced. In the present keynote, we will present the result of various years of work in the proposal and evaluation of technologies seeing to reduce and/or to dispose the vinasse produced in the sugar-ethanol factories. It will be presented: a brief explanation of ethanol production, using sugarcane as raw material, including ethanol 2G production, and tri-generation in the industry, the vinasse characteristics and usual disposition nowadays, divers possibilities of treatment and disposition are discussed with a vision of circular economy. The possibilities that will be discussed are: concentration and burning, biodigestion, volume diminution through pervaporation membranes coupled to the fermentation process and fermentation at lower temperature. The inclusion of the new proposals in the nowadays production process is also discussed.

Energy management system for automation


System & Environmental Energy, Waseda University, Japan

Topic P. Digitalization, big data, artificial intelligence in the energy sector.

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Energy management system for automation

The mini-keynote will briefly introduce fundamental functions for an energy management system for an industrial facility developing for international standardisation at International Electrotechnical Commission. The fundamental functions, categorised into four groups, will reveal the required technology you should develop. The standard defines data flow and information models for energy management activities pursuing optimal operation. The presenter would like to express that the "automation level" is a fundamental index for classifying the energy management system.

Energy sufficiency: the missing lever to tackle the energy transition.

Sylvain Quolin

University of Liège, Belgium

Topic K. Energy policy and planning

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Energy sufficiency: the missing lever to tackle the energy transition.

According to the last IPCC WG3 AR6 report, the world is currently not on track to meet neither the 1.5°C nor the 2°C climate targets. Decarbonization of our energy systems must happen at a faster pace and all levers are important to achieve this. Possible levers include (1) the transition to clean energy sources to reduce the carbon intensity, (2) energy efficiency measures to reduce the energy intensity, and (3) the increase in energy sufficiency to reduce the overall consumption per capita. While the two first aspects are the object of an abundant literature, much work remains to be done on the definition of credible scenarios considering energy sufficiency. This mini-keynote presents an energy sufficient scenario for Europe, allowing to reach net zero emissions by 2050 without the recourse to uncertain technologies such as CCS or non-sustainable technologies such as nuclear.

Wednesday 28th

Do Hydrogen Economy and Power-to-X Technologies Maximize Decarbonization

Georgios Tsatsaronis

Chair of Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection  – Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

N. Environmental impact of energy systems. Sustainability, resilience, & circular economy. CO2 and GHG

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Vinasse: ethanol production residue or co-product?

The decarbonization of the energy sector has been a subject of research and discussions for several years, gaining increased attention in the last years. It is commonly acknowledged that the most obvious way to achieve decarbonization is the use of renewable energy sources. Recently and within the framework of decarbonization of the energy sector, many countries started promoting the use of electric cars and have developed national plans to establish a hydrogen-based economy in the near future. The green hydrogen plans try to initially target sectors that are difficult to decarbonize as well as to address issues related to the storage and transportation of decarbonized energy. To achieve complete decarbonization, electric power must be generated exclusively from renewable sources. Power-to-X (PtX) technologies refer to the generation of hydrogen from electricity and its subsequent conversion to an energy carrier (X stands for example, for liquid hydrogen, methanol or ammonia) which can be further stored, transported and used. The challenges associated with decarbonization include those associated with (a) the expansion of renewable energies (e.g., high capital demand, political and social issues), (b) the production, transportation, and storage of the energy carriers denoted by X in the PtX (e.g., high cost and low overall efficiency), and the use of electric cars. The paper discusses whether and under which conditions the current national and international plans of many industrialized countries lead to a maximization of decarbonization in the energy sector.

The role of heat pumps in heating and cooling


University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Topic F. Refrigeration and heat pumps. 

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The role of heat pumps in heating and cooling.

Heat pumps are very energy and economic efficient solution for heating and cooling. The lecture will present a comparative analysis in terms of the primary energy factor for the case of direct use of fossil fuel and through a heat pump for heating. The present situation and forecasts of the share of heat pumps for heating in Slovenia and the EU will be presented. An example of the use of heat pumps in combination with a solar electricity production in a single-family house will be presented.

Teaching Exergy to Engineering Students in view of the Energy Transition

Lydia stougie

Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands

Topic B. Exergy-based analysis: Applications and teaching in academia. 

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Teaching Exergy to Engineering Students in view of the Energy Transition

In view of the energy transition, it is important that engineering students are familiar with the concept of exergy and the added value of exergy analysis compared to energy analysis. Exergy analysis tells the truth about energy efficiency and exergy is directly related to sustainable development. This paper focuses on teaching exergy to students at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), but the contents are valuable to other engineering students as well. To encourage the teaching of exergy, the basics of exergy and exergy analysis are presented, as well as examples and ideas for teaching exergy to BSc students that are related to the topics of their BSc programme. It is recommended that the contents of this paper be discussed with many teachers of BSc programmes, especially teachers of BSc programmes that do not yet seem to include the teaching of exergy and that attention be paid to teaching exergy to MSc students as well.

Multi-scales and Multiphysics Optimization of Energy Systems integrating Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

eden mamut

Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Topic I. Renewable energy. 

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Multi-scales and Multiphysics Optimization of Energy Systems integrating Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

This presentation sintetizes the results of the research project MULTISCALE – “Development of Advanced Materials by Integrating Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, Using Multiscale and Multiphysics Optimization, Dedicated to High-Performance Energy Systems” that is carried out in partnership between a University research group and industrial companies manufacturing innovative products and services. The grouping of industrial companies is including a manufacturer of high performance hybrid solar-thermal systems. 

The hybrid solar panels include both solar PV cells and a loop of circulating cooling fluids for the optimal control of the operation temperature of the solar PV cells. The coupling of the two systems has to comply with different requirements and constrains. In order to address such challenges there were developed nanocomposite layers based on CNT and graphene mixtures and antistatic coatings based on nanofluids for the protection of the active surfaces against deposits and dirt. 

The modeling of the hybrid solar panels took into consideration the different physical processes and the different scales of the components for developing an integrated approach. At the same time, it has been taken into consideration the transport of thermal and electrical energy for being used in different applications. The characterization of the hybrid solar thermal system is assessing the performances of the energy conversion processes and is made in comparison with reference solar PV, solar thermal and CSP systems. 

2nd principle to make Switzerland independent and neutral

François Maréchal

EPFL Valais Wallis – Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland

Topic K. Energy policy and planning.

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2nd principle to make Switzerland independent and neutral

In my talk I will explore how 2nd principle can guide us towards to energy transition and the carbon neutrality. Starting from the housing needs, we will discuss the integration of heat pumps, solar PV, district heating and cooling, biomass conversion and energy storage. We will then discuss the decarbonisation of the industry and the mobility to finally consider the full system integration and the need to adopt metrics and methods with a life cycle impact assessment. We will discuss in particular how 2nd principle can guide us towards a transformed future efficient and without CO2 emissions.


Thursday 29th

Energy systems flexibility: policy targets and innovation trends in thermal energy storage and funding opportunities from the European Innovation Council

Antonio Marco Pantaleo

Program manager for energy systems and green technologies – European Innovation Council, European Commission

Topic. M. Energy use in the industrial, residential, transportation and agricultural sectors. District heating/cooling

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Energy systems flexibility: policy targets and innovation trends in thermal energy storage and funding opportunities from the European Innovation Council

The presentation will describe the research challenges and innovation trends in the field of energy systems integration to increase flexibility and host high percentages of intermittent renewables. The focus will be in particular on the role of thermal energy storage and its integration into energy systems and district heating/cooling. Policy targets, regulatory bottlenecks and funding opportunities from the European Innovation Council will be presented, with detail on the pathfinder challenge2023 on clean cooling technology to support early stage research, and outcomes from the last call pathfinder 2022 on mid to long duration energy storage. The potential implications for district heating/cooling will be also discussed.


Friday 30th

Water energy nexus: is thermal membrane distillation a game changer for industry?

Assaad Zoughaib

MINES ParisTech – Ecole des mines de Paris  Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Topic G. Fuels, combustion & gasification. Fuel cells. Hydrogen use in energy systems

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Water energy nexus: is thermal membrane distillation a game changer for industry?

Water usage in industry constitutes the largest share of water usage in industrialized countries. This water usage overpass agriculture by far. A large part of water is consumed for process cooling but a non negligible part is used within the process as steam or pure water.

Waste water can be barely reused in these processes which lead to poor recovery ratios even with a comprehensive mass integration effort. Recently, methodologies coupling mass and energy integration allowed showing that coupling waste heat with waste water allows upgrading waste water into distilled water thanks to thermal membrane distillation.

This novel technology has proven it ability to handle water with different concentration in minerals making it preferable to reverse osmosis when it comes to highly concentrated waste water.

This paper focuses on water upgrading opportunities in the industrial sectors thanks to the waste heat valorization. Waste heat quality and availability is screened together with the need for pure water.

Waste Heat/Renewable energy driven trigeneration systems

sotirios karellas

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Topic E. Power generation and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants.

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Waste Heat/Renewable energy driven trigeneration systems

Nowadays, energy research and technology focuses on two main topics: The efficiency optimization of the processes and the highest possible penetration of renewable energy sources, including energy storage. The need of environmentally friendly solutions provide a very important challenge for economically viable solutions in both central and decentralized energy systems. The aim of the keynote speech is to present the possible solutions for harvesting waste heat from several processes as well as heat from hybrid renewable energy sources in order to produce electricity, heating and cooling. Relevant projects will be presented and analysed in terms of efficiency, environmental and economic performance.


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